Sitting in the living room, we were talking and eating when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Larry's mother emerge from the kitchen with something in her hands. We went and after watching the dancers in the church, accompanied Larry to his mother's house for lunch. Larry was going home to nearby Acoma Pueblo for the holiday, and invited us to come and see the traditional Christmas dances. Taken aback, I joked, 'Tell her to give them to me!' Some months later, my husband mentioned to Larry that we would be spending Christmas week in Albuquerque. One night after dinner in his apartment, Larry told us that his mother was cleaning house back home, smashing her Acoma pots on the floor and sweeping them out. We became friendly with Larry, an Acoma Indian who was an x-ray technician at the hospital.
Public Health Service, stationed on the Navaho reservation in New Mexico. Each week we'll post a new treasure-hunting tale or lesson learned, e-mailed to us by fans like you! Featured Story: Saved from the Smash Posted In the early 1970s, my husband was a doctor in the Indian Health Service, a branch of the U.S. The unique stories people tell about their favorite heirlooms and yard-sale bargains are one of the best parts of ANTIQUES ROADSHOW, and 'Your Stories' gives you the chance to share your own antiquing adventure with the world.